
Branding Tip:

Branding Tip:

When you are branding your animals, be sure that you don’t have a hair brand. It needs to be the nice leathery looking color. The hair brand will not leave...

Branding Tip:

When you are branding your animals, be sure that you don’t have a hair brand. It needs to be the nice leathery looking color. The hair brand will not leave...

Tips to designing a livestock branding iron you can be proud of.

Tips to designing a livestock branding iron you...

Imagine your livestock went missing! You reported it to your local stockmen’s association. You get a call from a distant sale yard that they may have found your animals. You...

Tips to designing a livestock branding iron you...

Imagine your livestock went missing! You reported it to your local stockmen’s association. You get a call from a distant sale yard that they may have found your animals. You...